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Quickscribe's convenience legislation manuals are made up of specialized groupings of BC Statutes and Regulations contained in easy-to-use 3-ring binders with special index tabs.

It is our invaluable updating service that truly makes our manuals superior. We carefully monitor legislation year-round and send updates to the manuals automatically whenever the urgency and quantity of changes warrants. We will not let your legislation fall out of date.

Our reputation is built on our ability to deliver these reliable hardcopy consolidations to clients more quickly and more economically than any other source.

BC Liquor Legislation Manual


BC Liquor Legislation Manual

Not Available

The Liquor Legislation Manual is updated one or two times per year to ensure your legislation remains current. This manual is designed for restaurant managers, special events coordinators, and enforcement agencies who need to stay abreast of changes to liquor licensing and distribution. For those who require a more comprehensive collection, check out the online version above. Online Version

Table of Contents

· Liquor Control and Licensing Act & Regs
· Liquor Distribution Act & Regs
· Motion Picture Act & Regs

View Detailed Table of Contents

Existing subscribers who wish to order replacement Binders or Tab Dividers, please call us at (250) 727-6978.