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Quickscribe Quickscribe Reporter Reporter

Vol: III  –  Issue: IX      September 27, 2004

Quickscribe News:

Another busy month at Quickscribe, and as we head into the fall, we can expect things to get even livelier, with the next session beginning in less than a week � Monday, October 4, 2004.

Click here for:   FAMILY, WILLS & ESTATES
Click here for:   HEALTH
Click here for:   LABOUR & COMPANY
  Click here for:   LOCAL GOVERNMENT
Click here for:   MOTOR VEHICLE

Act or Regulation Affected Effective Date Amendment Information
Adult Care Regulation 536/80 5/14/2004 under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act by Reg 217/2004
Child Care Licencing Regulation 319/89 5/14/2004 under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act by Reg 217/2004

Forestry News:

Mountain Pine Beetle Epidemic – The total allowable annual cut for the three north-central B.C. timber supply areas most affected by the mountain pine beetle epidemic will increase by 27 per cent to 23.4 million cubic metres, chief forester Larry Pedersen announced last week. For more information click here: Cut Level Increased In Response To Beetle Epidemic

Bark Beetle Management Area – To view the recent memorandum regarding the Emergency Management Unit Designations within the emergency bark beetle management area please click here: Emergency Management Unit Designations

Environment News:

Recovery Program for Halocarbons – ENVIRONMENT CANADA has a guide that will help municipalities implement a recovery program for halocarbons (i.e. includes refrigerants such as CFCs, HCFCs, and HFCs) contained in domestic appliances such as residential refrigerators, freezers, window mounted air-conditioners, dehumidifiers, and heat pumps. The Guide features a nine-step process to develop a halocarbon recovery program. For an electronic copy of the guide, click here: Guide for the Implementation of a Halocarbon Recovery Program for Domestic Appliances

Act or Regulation Affected Effective Date Amendment Information
Advertising, Deposits, Disposition and Extensions Reg 277/2004 7/23/2004 under the Forest Act by Reg 352/2004
Agricultural Waste Control Reg 131/92 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Antisapstain Chemical Waste Control Reg 300/90 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Asphalt Plant Reg 217/97 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Beverage Container Stewardship Program Reg 406/97 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Cleaner Gasoline Reg 498/95 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Community Tenures Reg 352/2004 NEW!
under the Forest Act
Conditional Exemption Reg 201/94 REPEALED!
under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Contaminated Sites Reg 375/96 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Regs 322/2004 and 324/2004
7/23/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 346/2004
9/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 405/2004
Finfish Aquaculture Waste Control Reg 256/2004 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Forest Act 9/17/2004 s. 22 only by [2004 Bill 33] (Reg 352/2004) Forests Statutes Amendment Act, 2004
Gasoline Vapour Control Reg 226/95 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Land-Based Fin Fish Waste Control Reg 68/94 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Motor Vehicle Emissions Control Warranty Reg 116/96 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Municipal Sewage Reg 129/99 (formerly Waste Management Act Municipal Sewage Reg) 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Mushroom Composting Pollution Prevention Reg 413/98 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Oil and Gas Waste Reg 208/96 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Ootsa Lake Beehive Burner Reg 142/2001 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Open Burning Smoke Control Reg 145/93 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Organic Matter Recycling Reg 18/2002 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Ozone Depleting Substances and Other Halocarbons Reg 387/99 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Permit Fees Reg 299/92 (formerly Waste Management Permit Fees Reg) 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Petroleum Storage and Distribution Facilities Storm Water Reg 168/94 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Placer Mining Waste Control Reg 107/89 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Post-Consumer Residual Stewardship Program Reg 111/97 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Pulp Mill and Pulp and Paper Mill Liquid Effluent Control Reg 470/90 7/8/2024 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Rebate of Waste Management Fees Reg 267/2000 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Spill Cost Recovery Reg 250/98 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Spill Reporting Reg 263/90 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Storage of Recyclable Material Reg 133/92 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Sulphur Content of Fuel Reg 67/89 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Water Regulation 204/88 7/23/2004 under the Water Act by Regs 347/2004 and 348/2004
Wood Residue Burner and Incinerator Reg 519/95 7/8/2004 under the Environmental Management Act by Reg 321/2004
Act or Regulation Affected Effective Date Amendment Information
Food Safety Act NEW!
Ch. 28, SBC 2002 except ss. 24 to 28, 30 and 31 by Reg 349/2004
Pool Exemption Reg. 256/98 9/10/2004 under the Health Act by Reg. 409/2004
Act or Regulation Affected Effective Date Amendment Information
Business Corporations Act 9/1/2004 by [2004 Bill 53] International Financial Activity Act
Business Number Act 9/10/2004 s. 16 of the Act only by [2003 Bill 36] (Reg 406/2004) Business Number Act
Business Number Reg. 388/2003 9/10/2004 under the Business Number Act by Reg. 406/2004
Business Practices and Consumer Protection Reg 294/2004 NEW!
under the Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act
Consumer Contracts Regulation 272/2004 NEW!
under the Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act
Debt Collection Industry Reg 295/2004 NEW!
under the Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act
International Financial Activity Act NEW!
Ch. 49, SBC 2004

Local Government News:

Staples McDannold Stewart Bulletin – Click for the bulletin New Liabilities Regulations � Municipalities and Regional Districts.

Building a Business Case – GFOABC will be hosting four upcoming workshops in various locations in BC entitled "Building a Business Case" intended for managers and specialists at all levels of management in both small and large local governments who might assign or prepare a business case. For more information, download the brochure by clicking here: Brochure

Online registration is available at Registration information for "Building A Business Case" Workshops For Local Governments or contact either Ron Dragan, Workshop Leader, at (604) 421-4484, email ridragan@shaw.ca or Tom MacDonald at (250) 383-7032, email tmacdonald@lgma.ca

The Capital Regional District, Victoria, will be hosting a one-day Local Government Administrative Conference for administrative and clerical staff of municipalities and regional districts at the Victoria Conference Centre/Fairmont Empress Hotel on October 15, 2004.

Act or Regulation Affected Effective Date Amendment Information
Agricultural Land Reserve Use, Subdivision and Procedure Reg 171/2002 7/23/2004 under the Agricultural Land Commission Act by Reg 339/2004
Community Charter 7/8/2004 s. 3 only by [2004 Bill 36] Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services Statutes Amendment Act, 2004
9/10/2004 s. 4 only by [2004 Bill 36] (Reg 407/2004) Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services Statutes Amendment Act, 2004
Local Government Act 9/10/2004 ss.15 and 16 only by [2004 Bill 36] (Reg 407/2004) Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services Statutes Amendment Act, 2004
Social Service Tax Act Reg 84/58 7/23/2004 under the Social Service Tax Act by Reg 374/2004
Act or Regulation Affected Effective Date Amendment Information
Inspectors Authorization Reg. 372/92 9/10/2004 under the Motor Vehicle Act by Reg. 412/2004
Investigation and Prosecution Costs Reg 227/90 7/23/2004 under the Offence Act by Reg 368/2004
Liquor Control and Licensing Reg 244/2002 8/4/2004 under the Liquor Control & Licensing Act by Reg 379/2004
Motor Vehicle Act Reg 26/58 8/4/2004 under the Motor Vehicle Act by Reg 380/2004
Passenger Transportation Reg. 266/2004 9/10/2004 under the Passenger Transportation Act (replaced Motor Carrier Act) by Reg. 414/2004
Special Direction IC1 to the BC Utilities Commission Reg 321/2003 REPEALED!
under the Insurance Corporation Act and the Utilities Commission Act, replaced by Reg 307/2004
Special Direction IC2 to the BC Utilities Commission Reg 307/2004 NEW!6/30/2004 under the Insurance Corporation Act
7/7/2004 under the Insurance Corporation Act by Reg 313/2004
Vehicular Traffic on Industrial Roads Reg 450/59 7/14/2004 under the Industrial Roads Act [was Highway (Industrial) Act] by Reg 335/2004
Violation Ticket Administration and Fines Reg 89/97 7/8/2004 under the Offence Act by Reg 329/2004
7/23/2004 under the Offence Act by Reg 368/2004
8/12/2004 under the Offence Act by Reg 389/2004
Act or Regulation Affected Effective Date Amendment Information
Building Envelope Renovation Reg 240/2000 7/28/2004 under the Homeowner Protection Act by Reg 360/2004
Homeowner Protection Act Reg 29/99 7/28/2004 under the Homeowner Protection Act by Reg 360/2004
Real Estate Services Act NEW!
Ch. 42, SBC 2004; ss. 1(part), 109 to 115 and 135 only by Reg 415/2004



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